This website contains information about Philip Morris International smoke-free products, which are exclusively for adults who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products. Smoke-free products are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids. Smoke-free products are not risk free and contain nicotine, which is addictive. Please visit the Important Information page for additional risk information.
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Here are some of the most common questions we get.
What do THUNDER nicotine pouches contain?
Our THUNDER nicotine pouches contain nicotine & flavourings. THUNDER nicotine pouches are created using high quality ingredients. Our nicotine pouches come in several different flavours and strengths and you can always find the ingredient list for each product on the can's bottom label
Which flavours does THUNDER come in?
THUNDER is available in several different fresh flavours. Choose from THUNDER Frosted, Dark Frost, Deep Freeze, Cool Mint, Citrus, Apple Mint and the latest THUNDER Black with intense menthol flavour, cooling and hints of herbs.
Where are the nicotine pouches manufactured?
All our THUNDER nicotine pouches are manufactured in our factory in Silkeborg, Denmark.
How do you store THUNDER nicotine pouches?
Our nicotine pouches do not need to be stored in the refrigerator. It’s recommended, that THUNDER nicotine pouches are stored at normal room temperature and humidity.
How do you use nicotine pouches?
Break the seal on the side label and open the main lid.
Place the nicotine pouch under your upper lip.
Use the pouch for around 30 minutes.
You can discard the used nicotine pouch in the waste compartment after use.
Break the seal on the side label and open the main lid
Place the nicotine pouch under your upper lip
Use the pouch for around 30 minutes
You can discard the used nicotine pouch the waste compartment after use
This product is not risk free and contains nicotine, which is addictive. Only for use by adults.